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²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù Group

Our adult residential homes offer specialist care and support for people aged 18 to 65 years with autism, learning disabilities and complex needs, including behaviours of concern.


Residential Care

All of our residential care homes are registered with the Care Quality Commission and are regulated under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and as such are regularly visited by local CQC inspectors.

Our principal aim is to provide services that best meet the need of individuals within the community in which adults can be assisted to reach their full potential and to live as rich and rewarding a life as possible.

²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù Group is working alongside the Transforming Care initiative in offering services that will enable people with a learning disability and behaviours of concern to live in whilst receiving 24-hour care and support within local communities without the need for hospital admissions.

We have a number of high level objectives which remain constant and which form the essential elements of our principal aim. These objectives are to:

  • Provide our adults with a relaxed, friendly and safe environment at all times, where they will feel valued and secure.
  • Develop our adults’ social skills and relationships both within their home and within the wider community.
  • Increase and maintain our adults’ independence skills.
  • Provide the help and support which will enable our adults to make informed choices and realise their full potential within the context of their individual plans of care.
  • Ensure that our adults individual needs are always met and that their care plans are developed or adapted to quickly meet changing needs.
  • At all times provide the best carers possible who are highly trained, motivated and committed to our adults.
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