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For all media enquiries, please email

There are a number of ways to get in touch with us to discuss our services and career opportunities, or to make a general enquiry.
Please call us on 01522 868279 or use the contact form, below.

Please feel free to use this form should you not require an immediate response. We will aim to reply to you as quickly as possible.

    Raising a Complaint or Concern
    As a group providing care services, we endeavour to provide the best possible package of care at all times for every individual within our homes. However, we do recognise that there may be times when those individuals or their family, carers or care managers may wish to complain about the service we are providing or tell us about an issue or concern they have. We fully promote an individual's right to complain and react quickly and effectively to any complaint. This ensures we are continually improving our service as well as the care we provide to any individual.

    As well as accepting complaints to the service via our complaints procedure, concerns can be raised via the We also promote the use of advocacy services in order to ensure individuals in our care services are heard and are properly represented.

    Please be assured that we do not store your contact information submitted here and we would not use it for marketing purposes or share with external parties.

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